Saturday, March 26, 2011

Getting started here!

So the first thing I want to talk about is something that EVERYONE with a computer owns! A printer well really those pesky cartridges!! Tons of people throw these away everyday. Millions of TONS are dumped into our US landfills everyday (and they take DECADES to decompose) allowing them to emit dangerous toxins into our air and drinking water. Did you know that it takes approximately 2 liters of oil to produce a laser cartridge?! That's INSANE!  There are ways to recycle your ink and toner cartridges or have them refilled! Here are a few places that you can start saving money with who will also recycle or refill your cartridges!

Rapid Refill - great company (I use them, you just take your ink cartridges to them and they usually have already refilled ones ready to go! And they are 100% guaranteed!)
Wallgreens (this is a refill kit, there are tons of others but I know that some Walgreens will refill your cartridges for you in store!)
Cartridge World - take your cartridges to them, usually leave them for later pick up.

So start today, its the first in many tips and other great things Ill be talking about!

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